Morgan Academy
In memory of those school friends from 1948 to 1955 who are no longer with us.
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A reasonable estimate of the total number of first year students entering Morgan Secondary in 1948 and 1949, based on class photos, is 521; of these, there are 43 we have been unable to name.

Our database now has 537 names (this includes a few from other years). Of those, we don't know the whereabouts of 269, giving us 268 that we have 'tracked down'. Of those, we know that 143 have died. Sadly, if the same ratio holds, 53%, some 144 of the remaining 269 may also now be dead, or around 287 deaths from the 537.

Sometimes we don't find out about the loss of friends from schooldays for months or years - this page is our attempt to address this.

The table below gives the names of those schoolmates (and a few teachers) who have died, based on the information that has been provided to us from numerous sources. These are almost all from the '48 and '49 classes, but include a few names of younger students for a varety of reasons - played on school teams, attended Forestry Camp etc.

If you have names to add, please let us know by email to - even better if there are names that shouldn't be on the list ...

Where we were able to find copies of published obituaries or death notices, links are provided to these; if not, a photograph, clipped from class photos, has been addded. The quality of many of these headshots is not very good, but the best we could do from the source, and all are, at worst, recognisable.

If anyone would like to provide us with a tribute to a friend, we'll be happy to publish it. (The Morgan Academy Former Pupils' Association web site also publishes tributes to teachers and pupils from other years.)

School friends we know have gone (143)
(Alpha by Last Name)
(In the table, indicates recent deaths or recently received information about previous deaths, while refers to addition of, or revison to text or photographs. Women have been listed by their birth surnames, as we knew them then ...)

Angus Adam
Dorothy Alexander  Photo
Jean Alexander  Photo
Fraser Allan
Marty Allan
Muriel Allan
Pat Allardice
Ernie Archibald  Photo
Bob Barnett
John Bennett>
Jean Blacklaws  Photo
Richard Booth  Photo
Gordon Borthwick
Eleanor Brown
Audrey Buchan  Photo
Doug Brymer  Photo
Catherine Bunch  Photo
Ron Burns
Lilian Burry
Dan Carmichael
Dorothy Christie  Photo
Ian Clark
Dave Craig
Moraigh Craig
Wilma Crichton
James Crockett  Photo
Arthur Danskin
Bill Duncan
Robert Docherty  Photo
Donald Dorward  Photo
Bruce Drever
Anne Duncan  Photo
Ron Duncan
Sandy Duncan 
Aileen Duthie 
Muriel Elrick
Margaret Ewan
Dorothy Findlay
Gordon Findlay
Margaret Finlayson
Anne FitzWalter
Bill Fleming
Hilda Ford  Photo
Dave Garland  Photo
David Gavine
Anne Gibb
Allan Gibson
Innes Gillan
Jim Gillespie  Photo
Jimmy Gillespie
Ian Gordon
Keir Gordon  Photo
Micky Grahame
Norrie Gray
Ron Green  
David Guild  Photo
Elizabeth Haldane  Photo
Gordon Harley  Photo
Pat Hebenton  Photo
Ron Henderson
Douglas Hepburn  Photo
Alison Hill
Dorothy Hill
Sheila Hunt
Ian Hunter
Gordon Hutcheson
Betty Isabella  Photo
Gail Jamieson
Bob Jardine
Alistair Johnston
Ken Johnston
John Keough
Margaret Kiddie  Photo
Frances Kinmond
Barbara Lawson  Photo
Alan Lindsay
Jack Lindsay  Photo
Jack Livie
Ian MacEwan
Ronnie Mackenzie
Tom Maclachlan  Photo
Brenda Malcolm
Kenneth Malcolm  Photo
Effie Marshall
Robert (Bert) Marshall
Eddie McBride  Photo
John McBride  Photo
Murray McIntyre  Photo
Jim McGavin
Jim McLaughlin  Photo
William McLean  Photo
Willie McNab  Photo
Angus McNaughton  Photo
Dave Meechie  Photo
Helen Meechie
Baxter Mitchell
Lawrie Mitchell
Bobby Moffat
Duncan Moir  Photo
Alan Mowat  Photo
Margaret Muir
Jean Munro  
Evelyn Neil
John Newman
Fred Nicholson
Bruce Ogilvie  Photo
Morris Parr  Photo
Edward Peddie  Photo
Tony Prior
Pam Reid
Andy Rendall
Iain Ritchie  Photo
Ronnie Ritchie
Islay Robertson  Photo
Gordon Rollo  Photo
Elizabeth Ross  Photo
Elma Russell
John Russell
Robert Scott
Gordon Simpson
Ken Small
Sandy Smart
Ian Stevenson
Ronnie Stewart  Photo
June Sturrock  Photo
Jim Sullivan
David Swan
Ann Tait
Jim Thomson
Neil Thomson
Denis Thornton
Ann Thow
Margaret Urquhart  Photo
Peter Waddell  
Leonore Warden
Bill Welsh
Alex Whyte
Tom Wighton
Dave Wilkie
Ken Will  Photo
Hector Williams  Photo
Margot Williams  Photo
Nora Williamson  Photo
Alf Wilson

(Alpha by Last Name)

Evelyn Allan
John Baxter
Catherine Blackwood
Isobel Darroch
Bill Dow
Ian Gilroy
Spencer Gove
Tom Hermiston
Ernie Landsman
Meg Leitch
Crawford Mathers
William Shearer
James Sloggie
D.B. Smith
Bill Taylor