Morgan Academy
Some autobiographies of pupils who entered 1st year secondary in 1948 or '49
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Do you recognize any (all?) of the 13(or so)-year-olds above? (To check, hover your cursor over a photograph and it will reveal the name.) The photos are shown in the order the bios were received - I hope to rotate new ones in as further bios are submitted.

The origins of this project began with Ken Johnston before the 2009 Reunion, and I asked him to speak on the night. Briefly, he made the point that it's great to meet people at the Reunion, but,

• there isn't enough time to get round everyone, or to ...
• take the time to talk to those you do meet and learn what they've been doing for the past 50+ years, and ...
• many people you’d like to see don't attend, for various reasons.

Ken felt that it would be a worthwhile project to get each of us - those who are interested - to write a one-pager on "where I've been/what I've been doing for the last 50 years" and share it with everyone else. The problem was how to compile/print/distribute these. So we put our heads together and came up with this text-and-photographs Internet implementation. Ken wrote his, and we produced a draft webpage format with photographs.

We decided that we would wait until we had half a dozen completed bios before launch - it's taken more than a year to get to that point! General appeals didn't work (we only got one response, from Bill and Jean (Anderson) Duncan - which was much appreciated) beyond that zilch, nada! People seem to like the concept - but never get around to contributing. Though tempted to give up, we decided to see if personal, one-on-one appeals would elicit some response - this is the result of those efforts.

As you'll see, the format is based loosely on the school photographs page unveiled previously, with space for 6 photographs across the top - 3 photos from schooldays and 3 from later life, and the ability to add some illustrative photographs to the body of text. Personally I find them all interesting and informative, and the top-line photographs quite fascinating - the three on the left showing us maturing physically through our time at Morgan, from a kid of 13 to a young adult of 17 or 18, and the range from 1 to 6 showing the life-time process of ageing over some 60 years.

If, after reading the bios, you decide to take part, and we hope you will, this page will tell you how to go about it.

Access Autobiographies from this Table
(Alpha by First Name)
indicates latest addition
indicates a revison to text and/or photographs
Alistair Brown
Alistair Mackay
Alistair Robertson Anne FitzWalter
Anne Ogilvie
Bill Dow
Bill Duncan/Jean Anderson
Christine FitzWalter
Ian Band
Hugh McGrory
Ian Gilchrist
Ian Gordon
Isobel Mackay
Jim Campbell
Ken Johnston
Marion Mackay Michael Marks
Muriel Allan
Norrie Henderson
Richard Crighton
Richard Young
Sandra Moir
Sandra Murray
Just 'Headshots'