Ian Band
Primary: Glebelands
Secondary: 1948-54
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I was at the Morgan from 1948 to 1954. After leaving school I went to Saint Andrews University, actually at Queens College Dundee. After college I worked with Ferranti in Edinburgh for a few years, then on to Hughes Aircraft’s subsidiary in Glenrothes. After 2 years there, they were having trouble communicating with the parent company in California, so they sent me over to California to be the emissary for the Scottish division.

The guy who sent me over to America was David Simpson who switched after I left to become the General Manager of Hewlett Packard’s new UK plant in Bedford, England. David wanted me to come back to Bedford, but I said no, I did not want to work in England.

David contacted Hewlett Packard in California and before long I was working for them in 1965. My claim to fame there was that I invented their very first integrated circuits in 1965, then became the R&D manager in 1976. I worked for them for 35 years, before finally retiring in 1999.

I married my wife Suzanne in 1966, have 2 children Brian and Melinda (Mindy) who each have 2 of our 4 delightful granddaughters who live near to us and we get to love every week.

I am enjoying retirement, play golf every week and do a little woodworking.

Los Altos, California, November 2010.