Morgan Academy

Missing Classmates
from 1948 to '55.
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Can you add any names to the list below? Do you know who on the list are still alive, where they are, or at least the part of the world they settled in? Do you have the names of any of the females who married? Can you help us make contact with them or think of someone who might be able to (sometimes a couple of phone calls is all that's needed)?

Do you have any information on teachers of our era? Sadly, there are only a few still alive, but perhaps some of you have newspaper clippings of obituaries or notices of death tucked away in a file?

Please let us know by email to

Missing Classmates (268).
(Alpha by Last Name)

Charles Allan
Patricia Allardyce
Sheila Allardyce
Dorothy Anderson
Eric Anderson
Gordon Anderson
Ian Anderson
Robert Anderson
Violet Anderson
Gordon Atkinson
James Ballantyne
Raymond Ballantyne
David Bayne
Edith Bell
Margaret Bertie
Rhona Bishop
Miller Black
Patricia Bowden
Fiona Boyes
William Boyle
William Brand
Davina Brewster
Katherine Brewster
Dorothy Brown
Iris Brown
Isabella Brown
John Brown
Leonard Brown
Muriel Brown
Robin Brown
Ronald Brown
Jeryl Bullions
Stella Burns
Lilian Bury
Douglas Cadenhead
George Caldwell
Mary Callander
Mae Cameron
Doris Campbell
George Campbell
Sheila Campbell
Catherine Cargill
Gordon Cathro
Mary Chalmers
Valerie Chapman
Alan Christie
Sheena Christie
Peter Clark
Ronald Clark
Ruth Clark
John Cook
June Cord
Margaret Coutts
Moraigh Craig
Marion Craigs
Ruth Crawford
Alex Cree
Audrey Crichton
Lindsay Crichton
Margaret Cunningham
Thomas Curr
William Darling
John Davidson
Margaret Dawson
Evelyn Dear
Jean Dear
Alan Deas
Evelyn Deas
James Dick
Norma Dick
Bruce Donaldson
Betty Douglas
William Dryden
Iain Duncan
Marlow Duncan
William Duncan
William Duncan
Aileen Duthie
Kay Duthie
Alex Elder
Helen Fairweather
Robert Fernie
Marie Findlay
Margaret Fleming
Esther Forbes
David Ford
Pat Forrest
Jennifer Forsyth
Doris Fotheringham
Joan Fyfe
Christina Gall
Anne Gibb
Lynn Gibb
Julia Gibbs
Barty Gilhooley
James Gillespie
Ethel Gold
Charles Grant
Maurice Gray
Sheila Grubb
Richard Halliday
June Hanley
Eleanora Hanson
Albert Hastie
David Hayden
Mary Heaney
Dorothy Heron
James Hiney
Mary Hiney
Jack Hogan
Ronald Holden
Elizabeth Honeyman later MacDonald
Iris Hood
Sheena Horne
Audrey Hume
Doris Hutchison
Elsie Hutchison
Helen Hutton
James Hutton
Robert Ironside
Archie Jamieson
Sheena Johnstone
May Clacher Jones
John Keir
John Keogh
Margaret Kerr
James Kidd
Joan Kilpatrick
Frances Kinmond
James Kinnison
Ron Kippen
Jean Lamb
Nancy Lang
John Law
Barbara Lawrence
Florence Lawrence
Margaret Lawrence
Mary Lawrence
Laura Lees
Robert Leslie
William Lilburn
Angus Lindsay
James Lindsay
Edward Livingstone
David Logan
Kenneth Low
Margaret Lowden
Stewart Luke
Rhona Lumsedn
Nanetta Lynch
Amelia MacDonald
Henry Macdonald
Ramsay Macdonald
Alastair MacGregor
David Malcom
Ian Malcom
Kenneth Malcom
Robert Marshall
Ian Mathieson
Ian Mays
Vera McCall
Merle McCallum
Ian McCormack
John McDonald
Joy McDonald
Mae McDonald
Isobel McNaughton later McGarvey
Kathleen McGrath
Alastair McGregor
Helen McIntosh
Sandra McIntosh
Lillian McIntyre
Thomas McLachlan
Ernest McLaggan
Margaret McLeod
Morag McLeod
Kenny Meldrum
Walter Melville
Robert Middleton
Edith Millan
Jack Millan
Evelyn Miller
Eleanora Milne
June Milne
Margaret Milne
Audrey Mitchell
Bobby Moffat
Isabella Moncur
Frank Moran
Ena Morrison
Isobel Morrison
Margaret Muir
Georgina Murdoch
Georgina Murphy
Graham Murray
Constance Norrie
Wilma Ogilvie
Janet Page
Alan Pirie
Gordon Pirie
Morris Powrie
Dave Ramsay
Alvere Rattray
Dorothy Reid later Calver
Helen Reid
Norma Rendall
Barbara Robertson
Grace Robertson
Heather Robertson
Sheila Robertson
Sheilah Robertson
Elizabeth Rollo
Ian Ross
John Ross
Dorothy Roy
Isobel Sangster
Bobby Scott
Isobel Scott later Robbie
Isabel Scott
Malcolm Scott
Phyllis Scott
Sheenan Scott
Thomas Scott
Douglas Shaw
Ethel Shields
Isabel Shields
Iris Sidey
Craigen Sim
John Sime
Ena Simpson
Gordon Simpson
Myra Simpson
Colin Smith
Moira Smith
Peter Smith
Russell Smith
Walter Smith
Keith Soutar
Ronald Spark
Elaine Stevenson
Maureen Stewart
Edward Stiven
James Sullivan
Anne Taylor
George Taylor
Jessie Thain
Sheila Thom
Jack Thoms
Norma Thoms
David Thomson
Elizabeth Thomson
Ellen Thomson
Leonard Thomson
Norma Thomson
Helen Vickers
Alfreda Walker
Bill Wallace
Irene Wallacebr
Elsie Watt
John Whyte
Margo Williams
Muriel Williams
Sheena Williamson
Graham Wilson
Ian Wilson
William Wishart
Billy Young
Robert Young